Inspiration is a funny thing. It comes in different ways, at different times. Understanding what inspires a person can be very informative and very telling when talking about business, ideas or plans. I often find myself asking, ‘What is your motivation behind (fill in the blank)” and perhaps a better question would be, “What inspires you to (fill in the blank).” The response usually leads to an interesting conversation or more questions whether I am talking to a stranger, a friend or my dog’s veterinarian.
My inspiration to write usually ramps up when I feel unsettled. This is the norm when I end up posting something on this blog. I get this jittery feeling as if I had too much coffee and when that sets in, my brains starts working and I open a blank page and start typing. A jittery feeling is my motivation to write in some cases – sounds odd. It is a word or an experience that takes me down a path of different thoughts and ideas to inspire me. It is some sort of cause and effect that I will have to ponder at another time. I suppose inspiration can be multifaceted and when it strikes you, you can either go with it or ignore it. I find when I ignore things they eventually surface again and demand attention. When inspiration strikes and timing is conducive, sometimes it is better focus and go with the flow. Last year, I was inspired to start painting again to open my creative side. I ended up painting birthday cards and learned to work with paints again.
Inspiration also makes me think of time. When struck by inspiration, the final outcome or the end result may take a few minutes, days or months. There are times of inspiration with a speedy outcome such as finding a job posting online and submitting your resume. When inspired to change direction in your career it may be a process or you may need to employ patience to get to the starting point you desire. I call out a starting point because some inspiration spurns change requiring a foundation to get to arrive at your beginning. A doctor needs to complete the educational requirements to start a career healing others. I needed paints and a tablet of paper for my creative inspiration. What foundation do you need in place act on your inspiration? A foundation may be knowledge, training, experience, collateral, funding or self confidence to get started.
How does one find inspiration? Hard to say what works for any one person, though sometimes it is by pure chance. It may come upon you while you are doing something you enjoy. It may strike when you are watching TV or reading or eating a slice of pizza. I tend to think inspiration comes when one is open to receive or willing to listen to a gut or intuitive feeling. Inspiration may also come if you go looking for it. What if you have trouble finding a source of inspiration? I generally find talking others can help, like asking for directions; though the best sources are often the people with the best intuition in my experience (see my post about choosing your team here). In fact, in situations when friends consult me, I just follow my intuition to help or assist in whatever way I can. It tends to end up in an interesting conversation to spark at least a moment of inspiration to get things moving. Today I sent an email to a friend with my point of view on an aspect of the launch of her new business and it somehow lead me to this post. Perhaps I found my inspiration in that email and she just got spammed by me.