Like it or not, things happen for a reason. When you think you have all the answers, things can just turn around and surprise you. I do have a habit of jumping to my own conclusions here and there. I can say I have been guilty of making assumptions to try to figure something out and drawing conclusions based on observation or partial information.
I like to have the answers to things even when I may be lacking detail or information. It is far too easy to add my own pieces to a puzzle to create a full picture. This ‘technique’ only leads to a puzzle full of odd holes and spaces and wrong assumptions. It is sort of like drawing a map and then being blind folded half way through. The user of the map will likely end up lost since the path will only partially serve its purpose. There are times when my intuition helps me and instances when I ignore my intuition and results are usually varied. It would behoove me to listen to my intuition as often as possible as it is a good internal map whatever the path I take in life. I had two instances this week when I decided to listen to my intuition and the outcome was to my advantage. I have two instances a few weeks back when I said, ‘this is my desired outcome’ and oddly, the outcome just recently played out just as I had hoped. I have one instance in which I ignored my intuition and about 6 hours later thought to myself, “I should have listened…” I definitely had an AH HA moment.
My lessons are repeating themselves or maybe evolving. Okay, repeating. It is necessary to be patient even when it feels impossible to exercise patience. Answers will come forward. Information will surface. Clarity will present itself. The timeline may be short or long and it is likely outside reasonable control. Sometimes it is better to sit back and observe instead of drawing conclusions. Sometimes it is better to wait something out when waiting feels like the right thing to do, even if waiting is really tough to do. Sometimes trying to figure out everything on your own is the wrong way and letting things come to fruition is the better way. Sometimes trusting your instincts is the only clear path to figuring out the answers you seek.
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