Thanks to the creative services of Jenny, owner of PBJ Designs. my blog has a new look! Since I started my blog, I wanted to give it a little more style. I found Jenny’s information on another site she designed and decided to reach out to her. I started this blog on a whim and as […]
Continue reading...Are The Right People Around You?
Building upon an idea requires the right people to provide support or to add insight . My vision is fuzzy when it comes to visualizing color and creative interpretation. I am working on a blog makeover and when I made the decision to do this, I felt like I was standing in a strange city […]
Continue reading...Self-Doubt Chirping
Working past self doubt is a challenge. I have this plan for a new blog. I will be running two, actually. You are reading my skirt and high heels blog (in need of a make over). My new blog will be my running shoes and kick up my feet blog. I am working on a […]
Continue reading...Do It Your Way On This Day
Remember what is important and remember how good you have it. How many times do we all forget to relish the times of simplicity in our lives? Today is a day that reminds me where I was and what I was doing and how I first found out a plane hit the World Trade Center. […]
Continue reading...Trust In What You Know
Inspiration comes in funny ways. New ideas come to mind at the most random times. I was working out on Sunday morning and it was a painful workout. I was tired and wanted coffee. My favorite protein pancakes and an iced latte were on the menu once I got myself out of the gym so […]
Continue reading...Thank You. Merci. Gracias. You Get It.
Just say thank you. Two words when used together are often very powerful. These are the only two words you need to use sometimes. When someone does something nice for you say thank you, rather than objecting. I was with two friends this weekend and one is in a financial situation that makes me appreciate […]
Continue reading...Change This, Change That
There are a bazillion things you can do with your life. There are a bazillion ways you can change things in your life. How do you decide what and when and how? Change can be difficult without a doubt. Changing habits, changing patterns, changing beliefs, changing lifestyle, changing your shoes, changing anything you can think […]
Continue reading...Turn Your Habits Around
While trying unsuccessfully to use my brain while on vacation, I did find myself thinking about habits. What habits do you have that really fail to serve a beneficial purpose? At that moment, I actually had a block as relates to my bad habits and put the idea on a mental shelf. Sometimes things fall […]
Continue reading...Branching Out
This is a short one! Now that I have a blog, I am learning many things about what to do and how to do it. Something brought me to Bloglovin’ tonight. I cannot recall what exactly, however, I found it via Google and found it will replace my Google Reader. I am a little delayed […]
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