I have nothing specific to write about yet lots of different thoughts in my head. I have been thinking about patience as a learned skill. I am not sure if we are born with patience. I think we develop patience over time, based on experience. I know I can be a patient person inherently and I know I have had to spend many years working on new levels of patience because it is impossible force things to happen. The invisible clock that determines when things will happen in life is something that forces us to be put the brakes on. Your way may not be the best way. Sometimes, no matter the avenue you take, the steps you take, or what you try to change, your only option is to follow the process, whatever the process is… Go one step at a step no matter how slowly versus racing to the finish for immediate gratification. I have learned you cannot always kick doors open. You have to wait for the right time to unlock the door or wait until the door opens on its own based on your own actions.
Little things can open doors. When you piece all the small steps and little things together, you will find you have come upon something bigger, more answers, new perspective. It is sort of like sculpting a stone. Precise movements with a chisel or other tools help shape a sculpture. If you rush, you may find you have hacked off a chunk of stone or have cracked the stone and have to start from the beginning or scrap the project entirely. Rushing to the finish is not always the answer though tempting. Sometimes you have to take a step back, evaluate your work, listen to your gut and then proceed. I have been working really hard on my day job, on projects and had to just take a step back for a few days and let the energy settle around things. I suppose I disconnected from it all for a few days and did things like shop and shop and shop some more. Things I definitely do not do on a regular basis, however, it was time for a little break. I went to the mall and actually enjoyed it versus finding shopping to be a chore. A little retail hiatus is what I needed to clear my thoughts and reset my thought processes.
Getting back to patience. Sometimes you have to follow a process to get to your end result. Sometimes that process may take more time than you prefer. Sometimes the process may seem illogical. Sometimes that process may only reveal itself with each little thing you do which means you may be at the end of the process when things become clear and you have a moment of, “Ohhh so that’s what it was all about.” I suppose learning patience is about learning a life lesson and teaching yourself to change your ways or slow things down or to follow what you cannot see.
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