There are a bazillion things you can do with your life. There are a bazillion ways you can change things in your life. How do you decide what and when and how? Change can be difficult without a doubt. Changing habits, changing patterns, changing beliefs, changing lifestyle, changing your shoes, changing anything you can think of has its challenges. Some changes are more challenging than others. Maybe change can be fun, maybe it can be tedious or maybe it is just a necessity.
There are people who know me who will say I am a creature of habit; though I guess I do have a hard time picking things about me that are “creature of habit-isms.” Since the age of 10, I have always appreciated consistency and stability so I guess that is a creature of habit-ism. It stems from moving. My family uprooted to a new state when I was 10 and it changed my life so much that I think from then on, I have been inclined towards predictable. Moving away from what was familiar to an entirely new place was a big deal for me. I was unable to express how I felt or what was bothering me so my Mom had to deal with a lot of 10 year drama when I started at my new school. Kids in my class were picking on me and teasing me which was opposite of my experience in my prior school. I knew everyone, we all went to elementary school together, I was hardly aware of my height or my braces – till I went to a new school, in a new state and something changed! When I think about that time in my life, I find myself saying, “Ohhhh maybe that is why I like a home base” or “Ohhhh may that is why it would take a lot to get me to move far away”. I tend to reflect on life experiences that have given me reason to pause based on circumstance or situation. I wonder what my perspective would have been if I felt like moving was an adventure as a 10 year old? Adjusting was something that eluded my vocabulary upon setting foot in New Jersey. I never knew then to change my perspective about the circumstances at hand. Change can be forced, change can be weird, change can be tough, change can just happen whether you are ready for it or are asleep at the wheel.
On a lighter note, change with awareness can be quite good. For the last two weeks, I have been on a perimeter of the grocery store breakfast, lunch, dinner plan with a daily stop at Starbucks (need latte) and the occasional non-perimeter snack. Call me Captain Obvious but this little change has really made me feel better when I workout and after I workout and has given me more energy in the morning. I have been researching new things to eat and to prepare and am amazed how much healthier my eating habits have been. Less sugar and less dairy have really given me more energy when I workout. Hardly rocket science but revealing to me since I considered myself a healthy eater (with a penchant for cookies…and the cake pops at Starbucks). Changing what you eat and how much water you drink, really does a body good. Making a change and seeing positive results is motivation to continue down a path and to look for other things to tweak and modify. When it comes to how you eat or what you drink, one has to want to change otherwise it feels like a chore. I remember when my Dad had a heart attack, the next day, while in the ICU, he said, “Well I guess I can never eat escargot again.” As if he ever eats escargot? However, he was in a hospital bed thinking of all the things he could suddenly no longer eat because he had a rude awakening into the life of a cardiac patient. The escargot statement did teach me it is better to make changes on my own volition rather than being forced in another direction by circumstances I could have controlled or influenced.
Is it possible to feel every change as a good change? I am unsure, however, it possible that whatever happens, the outcome may always ended up better than expected. In the case of my grocery store perimeter meals, at first it was quite torturous. I really felt like it was torture to change my ways and avoid my favorite yogurt and sweet treats for two weeks (Chobani Flips are like dessert yet yogurt, do try). After a full week suddenly the discomfort dissipated and I also found some healthier alternatives to my standard sweet treats. I survived the change of habit! I am hardly strict with myself (as noted by the corn bread I ate tonight) as everyone needs a treat here and there! However, I am liking the change.