Simplicity. We get tied up in the trials and tribulations of life and tend to forget to pay attention to the simple things. It is so easy to let stress or worry take over our brains and wander down a rabbit hole that is far from beneficial or helpful. When I woke up this morning, my brain was sifting through work tasks that need to be completed which lead to the to dos in my life that need attention. It does amaze me that I am my toughest critic and my harshest task master. Sometimes I really annoy myself. I feel like a one of those illustrations of a person with a miniature version of herself on each shoulder saying, “Get to work!” and the other “Go do something you enjoy.” Balance such always one of life’s challenges.
While I was out walking my dog this morning, I actually considered spending the day on a proposal I have been discussing with my boss and colleagues. Gross! It is a holiday weekend and I was actually thinking about spending my day on a powerpoint presentation! While I was away last weekend, I bought a gift for my nephew and needed to make time to drop it off to him. My better judgement sent me off to make a special delivery and all motivation to work on a powerpoint deck dissipated. My nephew is a toddler and loves to be outside and loves vehicles of any kind. He pretended to drive my car and we watched cars drive past his house. Then I showed him how to flip the helicopters that fall from maple trees so they spin and fly around and then watched for airplanes in the sky. It is so easy to enjoy the simple things and really satisfying to see how much children appreciate the gift of time. My nephew reminded me that simple things are far more rewarding than a powerpoint deck or the worries or stresses we create for ourselves. The taskmaster in my head was muted and my focus was on the moment in time. Childlike wonder is necessary in every day life and it is easy to forget to employ it. My other nephew, who lives many miles away, was found balancing a fork on his head instead of eating dinner the other night. Who balances a fork on their head? I have found the thought amusing all week because it is creative and entertaining and I have never thought of doing such a thing myself. If you have no interest in your dinner, have fun anyway. It goes for everything else, have fun doing things that would otherwise seem boring or obligatory.
Why is there so much obligation and pressure in life? Why are humans so inclined to take time and focus away from awareness of the present moment. Stress and worry take the brain to some place in the past or in the future or to a pile of worst case scenarios and a mountain of what ifs. We inadvertently stifle the childlike wonder required to stimulate mindfulness. Awareness of who and what is in our presence goes out the window and stress or worry result in wasted time. We lose out on the simple things that are fulfilling and meaningful by opting for entanglement in angst and concern about things likely unworthy of time and attention. Funny how the mind works and how necessary it is remind ourselves to get off the runaway train and stop and smell the roses.
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